Monday, July 30, 2007

Let's do the dotcom again

Oh lord. The Guardian's technology section has come up with a list of top 10 British dotcoms to watch:
The boom is back. In Britain, the internet doldrums took a long time to disappear – but in recent years the startup buzz is back in the air and fresh ideas are starting to blossom.
Driven by the surge of Web 2.0 sites and the widespread penetration of broadband, Britain's dot economy is growing fast and – for now at least – there are no real signs of a bust on the horizon.

And the ten are, apparently in order:
1. Dopplr - Social networking for frequent travellers.
2. Extate - Intelligent search of property websites.
3. Garlik - Online identity management.
4. MindCandy - Alternate reality gaming.
5. Moo - Print on demand: cards, notes and stickers.
6. OnOneMap - Map-based property search.
7. Touch Local - Local directory services.
8. Trusted Places - User-created local information.
9. Zopa - Peer to peer lending.
10. Zubka - Recruitment 2.0.

Should I be concerned that, as far as I can recall, I've only really heard of one of those before? (And that was Zopa, which has been around for quite a few years now.) I'll have to have a poke around them when I've got a mo - as it is, some of them hardly sound ground-breaking (Local directory services, user-created info? Like no one's lost money on them before), while others just sound, well, a bit naff. Still, so long as no one's raising millions to sell online dogfood again...



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