Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Bretton or bust

Another bright September day at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park.


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A herd of VCs

Interesting research from Ward van den Berg at Erasmus University Rotterdam, on herding behaviour among private equity and venture capital investors. Cyclical behaviour and investment waves are well known among such investors, a phenomenon that van den Berg ascribes to incomplete information between rival firms.

According to the university's press release:
Van den Berg uses three models to describe how acquisitions seem to prompt each other. The announcement of a takeover and the initial bid awake the interest of a second party, and this already can drive the price up to a point that stops this second party from taking part in a bidding war. An investment in a buyout can also unveil information that other financiers use in their own investment decisions. This attentiveness to the behaviour of others can lead to a wave of private equity investments. Finally in the consolidation of a branch of business the value of every successive takeover candidate increases, to the extent that more companies have been bought up. This too leads to a new wave of investments.

In short, VCs see other investors chasing a new technology or market opportunity, look harder for companies in the same area, and valuations spiral. That certainly seems to fit some observed behaviour - arguably, we've been seeing something similar in the clean energy sector in the past couple of years.

There's more information on van den Berg's work at his university site.

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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Prisoners of Bali

Interesting new paper from New Energy Finance on the lessons of game theory for international emissions-reduction agreements. It's an easy introduction to the problem of international cooperation considered as the familiar form of the Prisoner's Dilemma - basically, individual countries can not bother to cut their own emissions in the faith that other countries will do enough to avert the worst effects of climate change. The problem, obviously, is that if everyone does that, nowt gets done.

The NEF paper quite sensibly points out that the real world situation isn't a one-off game, as in the classic case, but a repeated game - a player who acts selfishly in one round can find himself punished in subsequent rounds. Back in the '80s, US political scientist Robert Axelrod showed this tit-for-tat strategy could reach a sustainable equilibrium, and boiled it down to four rules, with clear equivalents in the emissions-cutting game:
Be nice (start by cooperating - cut your emissions unilaterally);
Be retaliatory (if another player isn't nice, punish the bastard - sanctions, tariffs or other economic hurt);
Be forgiving (if he mends his ways, restore cooperation - help them with tech transfer if appropriate); and
Be clear (make sure your oppo knows what you're doing, so he knows what he has to do - the UN may have a role in education and communication here).

As the big global players get ready to head to Bali to knock out the successor to the not-entirely-successful Kyoto Protocol, their lessons according to this analysis are clear: the US needs to be nice; Europe needs to be retaliatory; the developing world needs to forgive the developed's past sins; and everyone needs a good deal more clarity.

The NEF paper is available as a PDF here.

The application of simple game theory models like the Prisoner's Dilemma to such problems of international cooperation isn't new, of course. The problems of coordination and free-riding become more acute as the number of participants increases, a particular problem for sumnative technologies such as carbon emissions. Still, there's some optimistic findings in the economic literature - this 2006 paper from Manfred Milinski et al finds that individuals can behave altruistically to help protect the global climate, with the basic level of altruistic behaviour increasing if the decision-makers are given expert information on climate research, and if they gain social standing by so doing. Let's see how that plays out in Bali.

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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Manshead bunker

Another moor-top oddity - the WWII bunker on the northern descent of Great Manshead, above Ripponden, close to a crook in the Calderdale Way. According to John Manning's 25 Walks in the South Pennines:
A handful of men stationed here lit up the hillside during German bombing raids, in the hope that the pilots would mistake the lights for nearby Halifax and drop their deadly cargoes harmlessly onto the moor; a nerve-racking posting.
It's easy enough to get in, and apparently popular - past the square blast wall, the low central passage leads to two rooms, each with a few years' worth of bottles and cans trodden into the mud. It's a relief to get out again.

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