Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Campaign for Real Wensleydale

I heartily endorse this campaign, managed by the Wensleydale Creamery, to win European Protected Designation of Origin for their cheese. Thick granary bread, wedge of Wensleydale, all toasted with a liberal dollop of Hendersons - what could be better? Especially if served with a pint of Black Sheep or similar on the side.

But do I detect the hand of Ian Green, former head hack at Yorkshire Business Insider and Venturedome and now at Wakefield's Green PR, in all this? Oh, yes. But I'll support it anyway.



Blogger News Update said...

Tim, you're a Top Bloke! Good to see you keep busy and blogging to!! Check me out at Green Gathering.
Just shows you the power of "social marketing" as its not being called.
Seriously, the Wenselydaleblog has worked really well - we see this as benign marketing and communications and the response so far has been wonderful.
Thanks for your support.

10:08 am, September 06, 2006  
Blogger Tim Chapman said...

Hi Ian! Good to hear from you, and ta for the link from your blog.

I've always liked a good Wensleydale, but even more so since I noticed in the earlier Yorkshire Post story that large-scale Wensleydale production was started by a Mr Chapman in 1897. Don't know if that was a relation or not, but it seemed propitious.

12:34 pm, September 06, 2006  

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