Tuesday, April 22, 2008


The Sheffield Star marks what is probably the last flight from the city's airport, with a look back at its troubled history.

Meanwhile, steel boss Andrew Cook has stepped up as the erstwhile mystery backer of the save-the-airport lobby (Sheffield City Airport Movement, aka SCAM), which is still chasing the legal route:
They are then hoping for a full court hearing to consider whether owner Peel Airports and Sheffield Council abided by conditions which stated the airport - which opened in 1997 - had to be kept operational for 10 years and "all reasonable efforts" had to be made to attract airlines.
Mr Cook said: "The reason I am doing this is because I think it borders on madness for a city the size of Sheffield to give up its airport without a fight.
"I think it is an abomination that something that should be regarded as a valuable municipal facility should be thrown away."

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