Friday, August 03, 2007

Ghost towers of Tinsley

This is the winning design, by Newcastle-based Insite Environments (and presumably copyright to them), in the previously mentioned competition to design a replacement for the doomed Tinsley Towers.

According to competition organisers Groundwork Sheffield:
First placed ‘Insite' chose to include beautiful new towers with a steel lattice frame to mirror the natural, organic forms that have reclaimed the site; towers that are to be of a similar scale and proximity to the Tinsley Viaduct as those existing. Second placed ‘DLA' combined the theme of renewable energy generation with huge hydroponic towers housing research areas for growing bio fuels, whilst third placed ‘Astudio' enhanced their mixed use scheme with a retained cooling tower whose exterior would "bristle" with balcony-like pod structures.

I like the design, a suitably steely ghost of the original landmark towers that, for many regular M1 travellers, serve as the gateposts of the North. Obviously it's far from definite whether they'll actually materialise alongside Eon's proposed biomass plant, but the signs seem good. Meanwhile, the old towers, according to the Star, are likely to come down one early Sunday morning as soon as September.



Blogger Ben said...

I agree on the ghost towers - though nothing will ever replace the originals *sniff*

8:34 pm, November 11, 2010  

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